
Friday, November 22, 2019

Ep. 24: Joanne Kinyon-BOD ATC

A collaborative medical model is ideal in so many settings. It takes a lot to get it there though. Not only do you have to have the resources to make it happen you have to find the right people that want to work together. In this episode we get to talk to Joanne Kinyon, an athletic trainer, who works at Bishop O Dowd High School. While BOD is not your “typical” high school the model they have established can be applied a lot of places.

We talk about ideas on how schools on almost any level can look at nutrition, strength and conditioning and monitoring. All these factors can be looked at and set up for little to no cost. The creative ways that BOD has implemented multiple processes that allow for the entire staff to help the athletes not only achieve a high level of performance but also to recovery and reduce injury risk. Great take away ideas from this episode. Enjoy.

Episode Takeaways:
+Implementable strategies
+Nutrition and monitoring
Twitter: @BOD_Power


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