
Friday, September 6, 2024

Ep. 174: A Governmental Affairs Discussion-Joe Greene & Mike Van Veghel

Governmental affairs work is a key area that helps drive the profession forward. It is this work and advocacy that helps update state practice acts that allow for athletic trainers to practice at the highest level of their education and skills. 

In this episode, Joe Greene and Mike Van Veghel talk specifically the history of legislative work in the state of Wisconsin. They also discuss what steps have been taken to look at the future of athletic training in the state and what goals are next for athletic trainers in the state. While this episode focuses on the state of Wisconsin there are so many takeaways you can apply to where you live.

In This Episode:

+A history of the Practice Act in Wisconsin

+The removal of the physician’s signature from the practice protocol

+The work on parity language

+The removal of “vigorous” from the practice act

Connect with WATA Governmental Affairs

+Website: https://watainc.org/Committees 



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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ep. 173: Shelby Daly-Leadership Needs in AT

Shelby Daly is an athletic trainer and entrepreneur who has focused on leadership needs in athletic training and has been bringing attention to some key topics through her work on LinkedIn. If you haven’t seen her work on LinkedIn it is definitely worth connecting as she has fantastic insights into major topics in athletic training.

In this episode, we discuss some of those key topics and how they impact athletic training. We talk about the definition of leadership, the struggle for advocacy, and some of the business structures within athletcs and if they are actually serving atheltic trainers. We also touch on Domain 5 in athletic training and why at a time when it seems like it should be very important, it seems to be losing focus when it comes to the BOC. Lastly, Shelby has started her own podcast (link below) that is diving deeper into these topics. Check it out.

In This Episode:

+Defining leadership

+The struggle with advocacy
+Business structure in collegiate athletics 

+Medical vs. athletic model
+Domain 5 and its importance

Connect with Shelby

+LinkedIn: Shelby Daly (https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelby-daly-ms-atc-cscs-b430a995/ )

+Instagram: dalysc15 (https://www.instagram.com/dalysc15/)

+Podcast: To the Bone (https://open.spotify.com/show/2lzWW7agMAuTjWGfdLwtUZ?si=c669308c56ac4e07 )



SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ep. 172: Dave Rauch-Challenges and Faith in Athletic Training

Dave took us up on our offer of wanting to hear everyone’s story and we’re glad he did. Dave has seen and done a lot in his life and his career. In this episode, he shares what life was like growing up being an amputee and how he learned from all his experiences and its impact on how he interacts and cares for patients.

Dave also talks about his faith and the role it played when making big time life decisions. He also talks about how it impacts his care and how he is always open to the conversation about faith but never wants anyone to feel like it is being pushed onto them. In addition to all the things Dave does in life and work, he also stays extremely engaged in service and shares why that is important to him. Thanks for reaching out Dave, anyone else, please feel free to. We really do want to hear your story.

In This Episode:

+Growing up as an amputee

+Using personal experiences to help patients

+Faith and its invovlement in professional work

+Service in athletic training

Connect with Dave

+FB: https://www.facebook.com/dave.rauch.58  

+Twitter/X: @DaveVFAT (https://x.com/DaveVFAT )

+IG: @daverauchat (https://www.instagram.com/daverauchat/ )




SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ep. 171: Dr. Sadie Adado-The ATvantage & Finding Balance

Dr. Sadie Adado is the manager of operations at the ATvantage and does a little bit of everything when it comes to trying to get athletic trainers into jobs that are not only well compensated but offer more when it comes to work-life balance. That is the main focus of this conversation, how athletic trainers can focus on establishing boundaries in their professional lives and get the balance that they need.

In this episode, Sadie goes deep into the importance of boundaries and how athletic trainers can start establishing them to make sure they can draw a line. She also shares personal stories of creating work-life balance and why it was so important for her to do so. This allowed her to find other aspects of her life that brought fulfillment and how that has really been a game changer for her and allowed her to thrive, no only in her career, but her life as well. So many great things to take away from this episode. Enjoy.

In This Episode:

+What is ATvantage? AT & EMT Staffing

+Implementing professional boundaries

+Work-life balance: A focus on quality improvement

+The importantce of fulfillment

+ATs can and do have the power to be set up for success

Connect with Sadie

IG: @sadietherose

IG: @theATvantage

@: sadie@theatvantage.com



SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ep. 170: Dr. Kevin Biese-Sport Specialization

Dr. Kevin Biese gave a talk at the 2024 Wisconsin Atheltic Trainers Association annual meeting on sports specialization and the evolution of the definition and what current and future research is showing about it. The talk was extremely informational and we wanted to share it on the podcast, thankfully, Kevin was more than willing.

In this episode, Dr. Biese dives in deep into what sports specialization is and what the current working definition is. I, personally, was surprised at the definition because it doesn’t always only have to be about one sport and the focus on that one exclusively. Dr. Biese has some great general recommendations on how you can help ensure children don’t overdo it and also on conversations you can have with student-athletes as an athletic trainer to help them figure out if they are speicalizating and how it could relate to any aches and pains or changes in performance they have. So much to take away from this one. Enjoy. 

Extra resources shared by Dr. Biese below.

In This Episode:

+Defining sports specialization, how multiple sports fit in

+How the word ‘restrict’ fit in

+Risks of sport specialization: injury risk, burnout

+Socio-economic impact on sports specialization

+Sports activity amount, age=hrs/week of organized sport

Connect with Kevin

@: biesek@uwosh.edu

LIINK: SPIRL Lab (LINK: https://www.uwosh.edu/kinesiology/spirl/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068354149116 

Other LINKS:

Injury risk factors related to sport specialization in high school basketball: a prospective study. | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

A Prospective Study on the Effect of Sport Specialization on Lower Extremity Injury Rates in High School Athletes - Timothy A. McGuine, Eric G. Post, Scott J. Hetzel, M. Alison Brooks, Stephanie Trigsted, David R. Bell, 2017 (sagepub.com)

Comparing Burnout in Sport-Specializing Versus Sport-Sampling Adolescent Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - Nicolas E. Giusti, Seth L. Carder, Lisa Vopat, Jordan Baker, Armin Tarakemeh, Bryan Vopat, Mary K. Mulcahey, 2020 (sagepub.com)

Sport Specialization and Sport Motivation in Middle School–Aged Athletes | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

Sport Specialization and Risk of Overuse Injuries: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org)

Consensus Definition of Sport Specialization in Youth Athletes Using a Delphi Approach | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

Sport Performance & Injury Research Laboratory - Kinesiology and Athletic Training University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (uwosh.edu)




SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ep. 169: Adam Halpern-Athletic Training Evolution

This is our last episode in our series with Adam Halpern. In this final installment we talk about the evolution of the profession to this point and what it is going to take for the next evolution. The profession has grown so much but it appears time for something new to come along to help balance work and life and increase compensation. This has been what Adam has been thinking about and shares his thoughts and what he hopes to do with it all in the future. \

In This Episode:

+AT in the next 5-10 years.

+Future needs for AT to evolve as a profession

+Foundations laid for next evolution

+Improvements in compensation and work-life balance

Connect with Adam

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaveOn4 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/waveonhealth/ 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/WaveOnHealth

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/37268629/admin/

@: adam@waveonhealth.com



www.cliniallypressed.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaveOn4 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/waveonhealth/ 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/WaveOnHealth

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/37268629/admin/

@: adam@waveonhealth.com

SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ep. 168: Emily Srygler-College Coaches’ Perception of Sports Specialization

Emily is a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been focusing research on sports specialization and its impact on just athletes but also others that are involved around the athlete. Within the lab group that Emily is a part of they have been focusing on sports specialization in many aspects and continuing to try and better understand its larger impact.

In this episode, Emily talks about a specific aspect of that research, collegiate coaches perception of sports specialization. This is a group that isn’t often included in the conversation around sports specialization but ultimately, can have a huge impact on how specialized athletes need to become in order to make it to the next level. Emily shares what she learned in the process and what future research looks like to better understand the demands and also how it impacts athletic trainers.

In This Episode:

+What do college coaches think about sports specialization?

+Getting good at your sport vs. creating a ceiling

+Future research on sports specialization

+How does sports specialization related to athletic trainers

+A definition of sports specialization

Connect with Emily

Twitter: @emilysrygler (https://twitter.com/EmilySrygler )

IG: @emilysrygler (https://www.instagram.com/emilysrygler/ )

@: edcampbell2@wisc.edu 



SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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