Evan Craft is an athletic trainer with the Super Bowl Champion, Kansas City Chiefs. Evan and Joel know each other back from their time at the University of Kansas about 10 years ago. While Evan did work some football while at KU he also spent a lot of time with track & field. That may not seem like a direct shot to the NFL but it has worked out for him and that is what we talk about.
Career progression is something a lot of athletic trainers go through as they move through different locations and job settings. Evan discusses how he got to where he is now and how important it can be in not only the connections you make but also the importance of what you know and even more important, how you go about your work. This is a great episode with a lot of good advice, please enjoy.
In This Episode:
+Career Progression
+Career Connections
+What you know and who you know
+Use your people.
Connect w/ Evan:
+Twitter: @ecraft_
+Email: ecraft@chiefs.nfl.com
+LInkedIn: Evan Craft
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