
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Ep. 70: Andrea Dosedla-MKE Injury & Recovery

Andrea Dosedla is not only doing fantastic work in the industrial setting for AT she is out to try and blaze a new path for athletic trainers. Andrea is right in the middle of opening up, as she refers to it, a community athletic training room; MKE Injury & Recovery.

We discuss everything that has gone into the process thus far and how Andrea has been able to put it all together. We also get deep into the weeds of what it takes to get something like this off the ground and how that works for athletic trainers, mainly, what do you do with physician oversight. Andrea has some unique insight and is really going at things in a way that ensures that she is covered and when it is all cleared she will be ready to practice at the highest level, and legally.

A lot to take out of this episode and it is well worth the listen if you are looking at an entrepreneurial journey as an athletic trainer.

In This Episode: 

+Community athletic training room

+Unique focus on the industrial worker and seeing them around their schedule

+Focus on the “weekend warriors”

+Physician standing orders/legality

+A look at legislation

Connect with Andrea:

IG: @mkeinjuryandrecovery


@: mkeinjuryandrecovery@gmail.com

@: dosedla@uwalumni.com



SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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