
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ep. 108: Rich Bertie-Finding Time for Service

Rich is a young professional that has been busy in his career so far. Different roles and responsibilities at work but at the same time finding time for professional AT service. In this episode we talk with Rich about what drew him to service in the AT profession and what lessons he has learned so far.

Rich has done quite a bit up to this point in regards to service and we discuss how that has translated to his work. We also get more of the back story on why service means so much to him and what recommendations he has for people in AT that are looking to get into service. There are many ways to get involved and Rich highlights how he was able to be a part of several different opportunities. 

If you’ve ever considered service, this is a great episode to check out.

Please enjoy.

In this Episode:

+Why service

+Integration of service and career


+What role service plays

+Acquiring skills


Twitter: @rbertie34

@: rbertieatc@gmail.com




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