
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ep. 168: Emily Srygler-College Coaches’ Perception of Sports Specialization

Emily is a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been focusing research on sports specialization and its impact on just athletes but also others that are involved around the athlete. Within the lab group that Emily is a part of they have been focusing on sports specialization in many aspects and continuing to try and better understand its larger impact.

In this episode, Emily talks about a specific aspect of that research, collegiate coaches perception of sports specialization. This is a group that isn’t often included in the conversation around sports specialization but ultimately, can have a huge impact on how specialized athletes need to become in order to make it to the next level. Emily shares what she learned in the process and what future research looks like to better understand the demands and also how it impacts athletic trainers.

In This Episode:

+What do college coaches think about sports specialization?

+Getting good at your sport vs. creating a ceiling

+Future research on sports specialization

+How does sports specialization related to athletic trainers

+A definition of sports specialization

Connect with Emily

Twitter: @emilysrygler (https://twitter.com/EmilySrygler )

IG: @emilysrygler (https://www.instagram.com/emilysrygler/ )

@: edcampbell2@wisc.edu 



SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3WyCs2lmnKK6shrL5A4hw?sub_confirmation=1 

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