
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ep. 170: Dr. Kevin Biese-Sport Specialization

Dr. Kevin Biese gave a talk at the 2024 Wisconsin Atheltic Trainers Association annual meeting on sports specialization and the evolution of the definition and what current and future research is showing about it. The talk was extremely informational and we wanted to share it on the podcast, thankfully, Kevin was more than willing.

In this episode, Dr. Biese dives in deep into what sports specialization is and what the current working definition is. I, personally, was surprised at the definition because it doesn’t always only have to be about one sport and the focus on that one exclusively. Dr. Biese has some great general recommendations on how you can help ensure children don’t overdo it and also on conversations you can have with student-athletes as an athletic trainer to help them figure out if they are speicalizating and how it could relate to any aches and pains or changes in performance they have. So much to take away from this one. Enjoy. 

Extra resources shared by Dr. Biese below.

In This Episode:

+Defining sports specialization, how multiple sports fit in

+How the word ‘restrict’ fit in

+Risks of sport specialization: injury risk, burnout

+Socio-economic impact on sports specialization

+Sports activity amount, age=hrs/week of organized sport

Connect with Kevin

@: biesek@uwosh.edu

LIINK: SPIRL Lab (LINK: https://www.uwosh.edu/kinesiology/spirl/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068354149116 

Other LINKS:

Injury risk factors related to sport specialization in high school basketball: a prospective study. | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

A Prospective Study on the Effect of Sport Specialization on Lower Extremity Injury Rates in High School Athletes - Timothy A. McGuine, Eric G. Post, Scott J. Hetzel, M. Alison Brooks, Stephanie Trigsted, David R. Bell, 2017 (sagepub.com)

Comparing Burnout in Sport-Specializing Versus Sport-Sampling Adolescent Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - Nicolas E. Giusti, Seth L. Carder, Lisa Vopat, Jordan Baker, Armin Tarakemeh, Bryan Vopat, Mary K. Mulcahey, 2020 (sagepub.com)

Sport Specialization and Sport Motivation in Middle School–Aged Athletes | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

Sport Specialization and Risk of Overuse Injuries: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org)

Consensus Definition of Sport Specialization in Youth Athletes Using a Delphi Approach | Journal of Athletic Training (allenpress.com)

Sport Performance & Injury Research Laboratory - Kinesiology and Athletic Training University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (uwosh.edu)




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