
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ep. 90: Mike Kahn-Industrial Setting

Mike has done quite a bit in his career this far but has truly found his calling in the industrial setting. This has become such a calling that Mike does whatever he can to highlight the setting and how it can be a perfect fit for an athletic trainer.

In this episode we discuss how the industrial setting can truly fit the skill sets that athletic trainers bring to the table. The area of prevention is a huge portion of what ATs do and in the industrial setting this skill set is essential. Not only can athletic trainers bring a huge return on investment for these different settings but the buy in you can achieve in this setting which helps the livelihood of every day athletes and people, that can be priceless. 

Great episode if you’re considering the industrial setting and want to learn more.

In this Episode:

+Biggest draw to the industrial setting.


+OSHA Guidelines

+Proactive w/ initiatives and programs


+Injury care, prevention, wellness

+ROI Metrics

Connect with Mike:

+LinkedIn: Mike Kahn

+@: mkahn@pivoths.com




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