
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ep. 117: Andrea Kovalsky-Leading with Compassion: Leadership as a Solo AT

Andrea is an athletic trainer in the secondary setting where she has spent most of her career. Throughout her time she has been typically working with a co-worker but recently has been working as a solo AT. Being a solo AT definitely can put you on an island and bring with it an array of potential challenges. In this type of setting it can also be hard to demonstrate leadership and lead from that position.

In this episode, we discuss leadership in this setting and how it is still imperative to demonstrate leadership and that you can be a leader even when you don’t have direct followers. Andrea provides great insight into the importance of being a solo AT and how leading in this role still has a significant amount of impact on those that you work with and serve. Check out what Andrea has to say about her leadership journey that she describes as just starting and constantly evolving. There are many tremendous insights. Please enjoy.

In this Episode:

+Being ‘on an island’ as a solo AT

+The only impression of an AT for a community

+Leadership as a solo AT.

+Navigating difficult conversations and situations

+Learning leadership and resources

+Volunteering and incorporating leadership

+”Lead with compassion”


+Twitter: @ATCandrea


+Twitter: @ILAthTrainers




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