Caitlin is a secondary school athletic trainer and also a NREMT. She works in a location where there are several different hospital systems and a variety of places people can go to receive care. Due to this, collaboration with many different professionals is key to helping patients get back to what they are working towards.
In this episode we discuss some of the inter-professional collaborations she has formed and how she went about making them happen. We specifically discuss how she has been able help change the care for heat emergencies with local EMS. Caitlin discusses what athletic trainers can do to help forge that connection and make sure that everyone can get on the same page to provide the highest level of care possible to the patients hey serve.
Check it out and enjoy.
In this Episode:
+Communication is key.
+Figuring out what works best for the patient.
+Checking ego & being willing to collaborate.
+AT & EMS.
+Take the steps and set the meeting
Twitter: @CaitrATC (
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