
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Ep. 157: NATA Renewal Roundtable Discussion w/ Emily Huston & Eric Rogers

Every year when NATA renewal comes up the larger discussion on if it is worth it to renew your personal membership. There are a lot of factors that go into it. Does your employer pay for it? What are you getting from the membership? Is it your duty to support the profession through the association?

With all of these questions, we wanted to discuss membership renewal and the process that went into it. Emily Huston is an AT who is currently in PA school and brings some insight into how each of the professional memberships compare to each other and why she wants to keep up with NATA but is finding it difficult. Eric Rogers has gone back and forth many times about membership and shares why he decided to renew this year and what he would like to see for his membership money.

This was a great conversation and maybe a few ideas came out of it. If you’d like to talk about your experience with membership, we’d love to hear from you.

In This Episode:

+Discussion on NATA Renewal consideration

+Differences between associations

+What could the NATA do to make it easier to renew?

Connect with the Round Table

Emily Huston

Twitter: @Htown_atc (https://twitter.com/HTown_ATC )

Eric Rogers

Twitter: @rogeres2 (https://twitter.com/rogerses2 )

IG: e_rogers_atc (https://www.instagram.com/e_rogers_atc/ ) 



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