Krystal is a secondary school athletic trainer in the Houston, TX area and originally joined us on Ep. 47: Race in Athletic Training. We’ve been attempting to get this podcast to happen for some time and we finally made it happen.
Athletic training is a demanding profession, in particular on your time. Krystal has a one year old and stays extremely busy balancing being a mom and the duties that are required of her as an AT. Krystal readily admits that she doesn’t have it all figured out quite yet but offers up a lot of really great insight into the balancing act that is being an AT Mom.
We also talk further on diversity in athletic training and what Krystal sees as some ideas to help the profession continue to diversify and better serve its patients. Lots of great takeaways in this episode. Enjoy.
In This Episode:
+Teaching certificate along with being an AT
+It take a village
+Planning & Scheduling
+The setting makes the difference
+Be willing to ask for and accept help
+Diversity|Inclusion in AT: Service projects
Connect with Krystal:
Twitter: @Capital_KT
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