
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Ep. 80: Meg Johnson-Athlete and AT

Meg Johnson has such a unique story about becoming an AT we felt the story had to be told, not only by use but check out the Sports Medicine Broadcast in a couple weeks for more from Meg. Meg is in a unique position with how she because an AT while at the same time being a student-athlete. This isn’t a common path to taking the courses and getting certified, throw a significant injury into the mix and Meg is now on her 6th year of eligibility. Oh and did we mention, she is doing grad school to fill that 6th year?

As we mentioned Meg’s story is unique and she has such a unique insight into what it takes to be an athletic trainer. The plan she has laid out (more on this with the SMB) is going to be nothing but impactful for her and the people she serves. Enjoy this episode and unique insight from Meg.

In This Episode

+Balance: In-season vs. out of season priorities

+Compartmentalize and prioritize

+Medical hardship shaping future path and career

+Experience lending to credibility, perspective

+Using experience as a student-athlete for future patient interaction

+Licensed in clinical counseling

Connect with Meg

Twitter: @GreenMegandHam

IG: @MegxJohn16



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