
Friday, September 23, 2022

Ep. 115: Jen Sturtevant-Inclusivity & Leadership

Jen is an athletic trainer in the secondary setting while also having numerous responsibilities in the health system she is employed by. In addition to those roles, Jen is also the committee chair of the NATA LGBTQ+ Committee. Inclusivity has been a part of Jen’s daily life for a long time as she works in one of the most diverse schools in Boston and she has had to learn to find ways to make sure to include everyone and make sure they are getting the equitable care they deserve.

In this episode, we talk about inclusivity, what it means and how it applies not only to the athletic training profession but to healthcare in general. Jen shares a lot of great ideas about what we can do to be more inclusive. We also talk about leadership and what that means and how inclusivity is a huge part of it. There is a lot of great things to take away from this episode and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

In this Episode:

+Getting a MBA and its application to AT

+LGBTQIA+ Defined

+Barriers to healthcare to this group

+Inclusive leadership

+Improving inclusivity within athletic training

+Communicating with administration and stakeholders on this topic


Twitter: @sturdy2025

LinkedIn: Jen Sturtevant

@: jsturtevant@melrosewakefield.org




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